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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Laisure Time in Aceh

Since my arrival in aceh last August i just spend my laisure time to travel around in Aceh just for relaxing and draw my deepest dream about Aceh. not much have to see around i just spending my time in Banda Aceh and due to lack of financial pocket stucking me to travel all around what to do... no new support from finance banker.
I could'nt ask more money from parent coz their duty is over to fees me in education, and now is time to pay back where the duck of prestigious penny was...?
I use to visit every place in Lhokseumawe including the office of former rebels in Aceh, just wanna take a look how are them right now...? thanks gods they are very fine right now and having better life in there.. they use to fight with arms before and now they change everything to focuss in fighting by politics, i dunno yet how far this former rebels came in politics, they already have a local party call as GAM Party and GAM not usually stand for Gerakan Aceh Merdeka or Aceh Freedom Movement but they change it to be Gerakan Aceh Mandiri or Independent Aceh Movement Party.
This story of GAM labelled to the party was became long talk and hard discussion in Jakarta. the central goverment prohibited GAM to be labelled as the party if the GAM stand for rebel movement in Aceh.
Day after the former rebels change the meaning of GAM abbrivation to be Independent Movement, so then the central goverment say okey for the unprovocated abbrivation after the cease fire three years back.
This was the pre conflict story before to entry the real battle in next 2009 election, who's the winner is really depending on how they play political balls, when they gonna shoot to the goal to be a winner and who's the shooter and where's the talented shooter....?
Hi the Acehness get ready to real fight...

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