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Sunday, January 22, 2006


Stay tight in Aceh Brussel - A Vice President of Indonesian. Yusuf Kalla said, the Foreign monitoring are expected to stay and extend their day in Aceh to focus more understanding of peace and the proses of intergration in Naggroe Aceh Darussalam between former rebels (GAM) and Indonesian goverment (RI). Is not mean that GAMs does'nt believe in Indonesian, but both party are still effort to believe each other. for that we need the foreign inspector." said the vise president. The UE with the other ASEAN country (Brunnei, Fhilipine, Malaysia, Singapoare ) including Norwegia and Swiss has placed the AMM staff in Aceh since September 15, 2005. and was extended for next three month. The AMM are work to monitor all aspect of peace prosess which was signed in Helsinki Agust 15, 2005. the agreement between both party are to stop the conflict over last 30 years in Aceh and killed over 100.000 people.

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